13 Taylor Swift Conspiracies You Shouldn’t Believe (And One You Can)

taylor swift attends 2018 billboard awards.

From the devoted Swifties to the bitter haters, it seems Taylor Swift has the whole world’s attention. With that kind of attention comes rumors, speculation, and, of course, conspiracy theories.

Is she a secret agent for the Pentagon? Did she run over someone with her car? Is she a belly button-less alien? No to all of these. The Taylor Swift conspiracies range from silly to scary. In honor of the pop star’s favorite number, we’re talking about 13 of the most ridiculous TS conspiracies, plus one rumor we know is true!

A Taylor Swift Conspiracy You Can Believe

New York, NY, USA - December 13, 2019: Taylor Swift performs at the 2019 Z100 Jingle Ball at Madison Square Garden.
Image Credit: Brian Friedman and Shutterstock

First, let’s talk about a Taylor Swift conspiracy theory you can believe! For years, Swifties were suspicious that Taylor traveled around in a giant suitcase to avoid paparazzi and swarms of fans.

This silly theory is likely to be true, as Zayn Malik from One Direction confirmed the rumor in a 2018 interview. We doubt she still does this for the Eras tour, but it’s possible.

She Works for Joe Biden

The sunny south side of the White House, where the President of the United States resides.
Image Credit: 72westy and Shutterstock

Now, for the theories you should not believe. One of the biggest and most absurd conspiracy theories floating around right now is that Taylor works for Joe Biden. Supposedly, she’s part of a secret mission to get Biden reelected in 2024.

Considering she rarely speaks on political matters, we can’t imagine her being this involved in a presidential election. The theory implies she’s brainwashing the world to be more liberal, but we don’t see any evidence to support this.

She’s in the Illuminati

Dancing people in a disco club to the music
Image Credit: hxdbzxy and Shutterstock

What major celebrity hasn’t been accused of being in the Illuminati? JAY-Z, Beyoncé, Kanye West, Katy Perry, etc., are all supposedly members. Apparently, 13 is an important number to the Illuminati, and it’s also Taylor’s favorite number. So she must be a member, right?

Some even speculate that Kanye initiated her. Considering their rocky history, we’d be shocked if this was true. However, we’d be even more shocked to learn the Illuminati is real.

Zeena Lavey Is Her Real Mom

Aerial view of Reading Pennsylvania.
Image Credit: Amy Lutz and Shutterstock

In the same vein, people suspect Taylor is actually Zeena LaVey’s daughter, not Andrea and Scott Swift’s child. Zeena LaVey, aka Zeena Schreck, is the former high priestess of the church of Satan.

This would make Taylor a Satanist as well. While we see some resemblance between the two, this theory is outrageous. Especially because Taylor looks just like her real mom, Andrea.

She and Harry Styles Murdered Someone

Black and White Birch Tree Forest
Image Credit: Tori.16 and Shutterstock

This is one of the strongest theories surrounding Taylor. Based on rumors, song lyrics, and paparazzi photos, fans pieced together a theory that Taylor and then-beaux Harry Styles hit and murdered someone with their car while on vacation.

A snowmobile accident was the lie they supposedly told to cover up the incident. Songs like “Out of the Woods” and “Is It Over Now?” have lyrics about stitches and bloody snow that fuel this untrue insane theory.

She’s Secretly Gay

Display of Taylor Swift 1989 album.
Image Credit: melissamn and Shutterstock

There’s a whole community of fans called “Gaylors” who believe she is secretly a lesbian. First, this type of intense and aggressive speculation about someone’s personal preferences and orientation is violating. Even if she is gay, this scrutiny is unacceptable.

Second, she clearly and sternly confirmed she is straight in a message preceding her re-release of 1989. Many Gaylors still think she’s lying.

She’s a Pentagon Asset

aerial view of pentagon washington dc
Image Credit: Ivan Cholakov and Shutterstock

Some believe Taylor is a psychological operations agent for the Department of Defense. This would mean she manages misinformation online and controls what the public knows.

While her influence is undeniable, the DOD Deputy Press Secretary squashed these rumors. Again, Taylor doesn’t comment much on controversy, so if she was a psy-op, she’d be a bad one.

Tayvis Rigged the Super Bowl

superbowl 2024 san francisco and kansas city.
Image Credit: Kovop and Shutterstock

When someone’s favorite football team loses the Super Bowl, they often like to claim someone rigged the game. For Super Bowl LVIII, people decided to blame Taylor and her new boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

Apparently, they rigged the game to boost Taylor’s career. From our perspective, her career needs no help. She was supposedly able to do this because of her Pentagon connections. We had no idea the Pentagon was so invested in the NFL!

Her Legs Are Insured for $40 Million

Taylor Swift heats up concert in Shanghai.
Image Credit: ChinaImages and Depositphotos

We believed this one for a long time, but Taylor herself debunked the theory. The superstar has enviable legs that she needs to perform her signature powerwalk on stage, so it’s understandable she’d insure them.

However, after showing the excessive leg scratches from her cat, she confirmed her legs are not insured for this massive amount. If they were, her cat would owe her a fat check.

The Scrapped “Karma” Album

Taylor Swift singing in concert in New York 2019.
Image Credit: Brian Friedman and Shutterstock

Although this conspiracy theory doesn’t seem as high-stakes as others here, it’s very important for die-hard Swifties. Supposedly, Taylor had a whole hard rock album, Karma, ready to go following 1989.

Following the Kimye drama, she scrapped the album for Reputation. This theory doesn’t make much sense, as a conceptual rock album called Karma would still fit the attitude of the Rep era, so why scrap it?

The “Woodvale” Album

Taylor swift concert london 2020.
Image Credit: ako photography and Shutterstock

Her 8th and 9th albums, folklore and evermore, are indie-alternative sister albums. Many fans await a third sister, spurring hopeful conspiracy theories.

Due to some leaked album images, people thought the third album would be woodvale. However, Taylor squashed this theory, explaining that “woodvale” was merely a placeholder name for folklore.

She Has No Belly Button

taylor swift in concert.
Image Credit: Brian Friedman and Shutterstock.

Taylor loves a glittery bodysuit or short skirt, but she’s not as willing to show her belly. She might wear a cropped top to show her midriff, but for years, she never revealed the lower half of her belly.

This made weird fans suspect she doesn’t have a belly button, like the aliens in Kyle Xy (does anyone else remember that show?). The obsession with her body is offputting and unnecessary. But we can confirm she has a belly button.

All Her Purses Are Empty

taylor swift leaving building dressed casually
Image Credit: Liam Goodner and Shutterstock

This low-stakes conspiracy theory states that the cute handbags Taylor carries to complete her outfits are always 100% empty. Otherwise, they might weigh her arm down, and we can’t have that.

While we can neither confirm nor deny this rumor, we struggle to believe she doesn’t have anything in her purses. Chapstick? An extra hair tie? Her phone? She must have something in there!

She Exiled Her Evil Twin to Japan

aerial view downtown tokyo japan.
Image Credit: f11photo and Shutterstock

The evil twin conspiracy is as ridiculous as it sounds. A 2006 Japanese McDonald’s commercial features an actress/model who eerily resembles Taylor. People crafted elaborate theories about how this is Taylor’s evil twin whom she forced to move to Japan so she couldn’t sabotage Taylor’s career.

We know Scott and Andrea Swift wholly support Taylor, but enough to exile their other daughter? It’s doubtful.

The Weirdest National Holiday In Every Month

group of friends celebrating at party.
Image Credit: HayDmitriy and Depositphotos

Everyone knows about Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Then, there are semi-popular holidays like Veteran’s Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. However, most national holidays go uncelebrated.

National Pie Day, National Pig Day, and National Bubble Bath Day are funny ones most people don’t know about. You might be surprised by how diverse and specific national holidays are.

If you’re looking for quirky holiday fun, consider celebrating some of the weirdest national holidays. We rounded up a random or strange national holiday from every month for you.

The 11 Most Enriching Museums In The World

Image Credit: BearFotos and Shutterstock

Some museums can leave you wanting more, especially if they lack educational elements and diverse exhibits. The best museums in the world cause visitors to look inward, examine complex topics, learn more about the world, and leave with more than they came with.

These world-class museums are thought-provoking, stimulating, and elaborate, offering unique experiences that open visitors up to new perspectives, intricate ideas, and the beauty of the world. For an experience that will elevate your mind and spirit, these are the places to visit.

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Veronica is a lifestyle and culture writer from Boston, MA, with a passion for entertainment, fashion, and food. She graduated from Boston University in 2019 with a bachelor's in English literature. If she's not in the kitchen trying new recipes, she's binging the latest HBO series, catching up on the hottest trends in Vogue, or falling down a research rabbit hole. Her writing experience ranges from global news articles to celebrity gossip pieces to movie reviews and more.
Her byline appears in publications like The Weather Channel, The Daily Meal, The Borgen Project, MSN, Wealth of Geeks, and Not Deer Magazine. She writes about what inspires her — a stylish Wes Anderson film, a clever cleaning hack, a surprising fashion trend. When she’s not writing about life's little joys, she’s keeping her dog away from rabbits and spending too much money on kitchenware.

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