10 Ways to Develop Resilience and Overcome Challenges

relience woman sitting on cliff of mountain overlooking waterfall.

Resilience is your ability to overcome challenges in your day-to-day life. It is one of the most valuable abilities you can have.

According to research, resilience is not only a skill you’re born with. It is also a behavior that can be learned through a variety of practices and habits that we will discuss in this article.

By learning and developing resilience, you are better equipped to handle stress more efficiently and maintain an optimistic attitude despite any hurdles. Keep reading to discover 10 great ways to cultivate resilience.

Be Kind to Yourself

Beautiful young woman reading eBook reader at home surrounded by books.
Image Credit: Lordn and Shutterstock

Self-compassion can build an amazing foundation for coping with stress. When you honor your needs and treat yourself with kindness and respect, you automatically feel anchored in a net of safety.

Alternatively, when you’re too hard on yourself and become your worst critic, it can damage your confidence and resilience.

This also means changing any inner monologue from negative to positive. Whenever you catch yourself thinking you can’t do something, replace it with a kinder thought: “I can do this. I am strong. I have everything I need to get through this.

Positively Reframe Your Situation

woman writing and journaling.
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Rsedlacek and Shutterstock

You can always change the narrative. Although not easy, pushing yourself to view the situation from a different, more positive perspective can be beneficial. You can do this through journaling, writing in a diary, reaching out to a therapist or even having a heartfelt, in-depth conversation with someone you care about.

According to a 1988 study, participants that did Expressive Writing (a form of free-flowing writing on a given issue) for four days, were healthier six weeks later, compared to those who wrote on superficial subjects.

Remember What You’ve Overcome

Woman walking thinking outside.
Image Credit: banu sevim and Shutterstock

Research suggests that self-esteem and believing in yourself have a significant role in being able to cope with adversity.

In truth, we often forget about all the challenges we’ve overcome, but they can be a source of incredible strength. All those times you weren’t sure how you were going to make it, how you’d heal from losing a friend, or a painful break-up – and yet, here you are. You survived!

You survived everything life has thrown at you so far, and that is an amazing accomplishment indeed.

Confront Your Fears

A man on the edge of the abyss Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, facing a fear.
Photo Credit: Skreidzeleu and Shutterstock

Taking action is a necessary step to overcome challenges. Whether a family relative passed away, you got laid off, or broke up with a long-term partner, your feelings are valid and it’s important to process them.

But it’s also necessary to keep moving forward and not stay stuck. Lying in bed feeling depressed and sad isn’t going to bring back people you cared about or opportunities that are now gone.

Mourn, but then dust yourself off. Create a plan, and get moving. You’ll thank yourself later.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Woman practicing yoga and meditation at home sitting in lotus pose on yoga mat.
Photo Credit: Caterina Trimarchi and Shutterstock

A lot of suffering derives from ruminating on things of the past or worrying about the future. As such, bringing your attention back to the present can be immensely helpful.

This is where mindfulness practices come in: focusing on being in the present moment. Such practices include meditation, eating slowly as you savor each bite, breathing exercises, yoga, and gratitude journaling.

Studies suggest that mindfulness-based practices bring an array of health and psychological benefits, especially to those struggling with mental illness or chronic diseases. 

Practice Forgiveness

A woman hugging a young woman during spiritual practice feeling gratitude and love.
Photo Credit: insta_photos and Shutterstock

Anger and resentment are a heavy weight to carry. Although it’s difficult to do, it is better for your well-being and mental health to release any negative feelings you may feel towards yourself or other people.

Perhaps it’s a toxic boss, a petty colleague, or a nosy neighbor. It could even be an ex or a friend that broke your heart. Either way, accepting people as they are, and realizing that we’re all just human and doing our best can lift a weight off your chest and help you move on easier.

Embrace Change as Inevitable

Young man opening his curtains to a bright sunny morning.
Image Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A and Shutterstock.

Change is hard.

But the truth is, that change is one of the few things in the universe that is constant. And if you look at the bright side, this means that whatever challenges you may be facing now, the future can bring so many more blessings, fortune, and success – because change is inevitable.

And if you can always change things, it means you have all the more control over your own life. So keep working towards your greatest goals and don’t give up.

Prioritize Self-Care

Woman meditating relaxing.
Image Credit: AntonioGuillemF and Depositphotos

Another way you can ensure that you have the necessary physical, mental, and emotional resources is to prioritize self-care. Do what makes you happy and relaxed. Recharge your batteries.

Sometimes self-care is canceling plans and staying in to watch a cozy movie, with a facemask on and your phone on silent. Other times it’s forcing yourself to get out of the house even if you’re feeling miserable because getting some sunshine, making yourself a hearty meal, and going for a little walk will do wonders for your mood.

Spirituality and Purpose

A woman stands in a field in nature with her hands raised.
Photo Credit: Garna Zarina and Shutterstock

Finding a deeper sense of purpose can pull you out of the stress of daily life and bring awareness to the bigger picture. Try prayer, yoga, or any other spiritual practices that resonate with you – whatever brings peace to your body, mind, and soul.

You can also volunteer for a cause, immerse yourself in art and creative exploration, or serve your community in a meaningful way. This can soothe your grief and distract you from your challenges, while simultaneously offering a sense of deeper fulfillment.

Nothing Is Ever That Serious

Colleagues laughing over a pizza lunch.
Image Credit: fizkes and Shutterstock.

Whatever you’re going through, this too will pass. In the grand scheme of things, it might not matter as much in 1, 5, or even 20 years.

You’ll overcome this like every other thing in the past. You’ll be okay. Time heals many wounds, and there will always be more magical moments, opportunities, and experiences to discover. Life keeps moving forward, and that can be a reassuring truth.

SK Lumen
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S.K. Lumen is a writer, artist and blogger who is passionate about helping women become their best selves. Her writing is educational, empowering and uplifting, and includes topics like personal development, self-care, self-love, mental health, wellness and spirituality. Both her art and fantasy books reflect the magical world of her imaginarium, featuring surreal, dreamy visuals and storylines. With a BA inEnglish Language and Literatureand a Master’s inIrish Studies, Lumen has always had an appreciation for art, books, psychology, cats, twilight skies, and ancient Celtic cultures.

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